7+ Years XP Certified Salesforce B2C commerce developer

I am a certified Salesforce Commerce Cloud Expert with more than 7 years of experience

Commerce Cloud content creator on linkedin

I love to share my knowledge to help people grow on Salesforce Commerce Cloud

My own Salesforce Commerce Cloud YouTube Channel

I launched my YouTube Channel with SFCC content to improve the lack of SFCC on YouTube 

worked on 25+ SFCC Internationnal Projects 

Hands on international brands, Partner cartridges,  build and run B2C Commerce projects

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How to boost productivity and improve Salesforce Commerce Cloud development skills

Reading Time : 3 minutes ☁️ Hello #SFCC community! ☁️ I have some amazing news to share with you! Are you ready for a unique opportunity to meet like-minded e-commerce […]
Reading Time : 5 minutes INTRODUCTION ☁️ Hello SFCC Community ! ☁️ I was in Chicago last week to attend my first Salesforce Connections event and it was a great […]
Reading Time : 14 minutes INTRODUCTION ☁️ Hello SFCC Community! ☁️ If you are a Salesforce Commerce Cloud developer, this Ultimate Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer Certification Exam Guide is a […]

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